Still is not working?. When you try to setup via the Web-Based technique, this is a common problem. By connecting the repeater wifi to the internet, you can visit the offline URL Users frequently browse the website while connected to the Router WiFi or while they have access to the internet, which is completely incorrect. They occasionally click on Google Search Results, which directs them to the incorrect website or a blog website. To avoid this problem, we’ll walk you through the steps to get your extender up and running using

- Connect the Wireless Repeater (Pix-Link, Signal Tech, E1) to the power socket using the included cable. Wait for the Repeater to start up and become operational.
- For website-based setup, you can use either your phone or your computer.
- Navigate to the Wifi Settings and establish a connection with the Repeater WiFi (Open and Unsecure).
- Open any web browser and type the following address into the address bar: (Please note that you should avoid typing in the Search option).
- In the next screen, you will see the login screen. For a Wireless N repeater, the default credentials are as follows: Username – admin, Password – password It is important to note that the password is case sensitive.
- Select the appropriate choice based on your requirements. You have the option of configuring your wireless repeater as a repeater or an access point (Access Point).
- Select the WiFi network to which you wish to add an extender and complete the Setup. is not working? needs a login to manage the repeater settings on a Wireless-N repeater. Today, I’ll look into the difficulty of logging onto the page.
These are the criteria for logging into
- The modem router must be connect to the Internet.
- Wi-Fi repeater should be hardwired or wirelessly plugged into a wall socket.
- Your Wi-Fi devices, such as a PC, laptop, or smartphone, must be connected to the internet.
- You’ll need one Ethernet cable.
- You’ll need a power supply.
Offline access to
The Wi-Fi repeater is no longer up, which implies it is not link to the Internet.. You may still use or the IP address to log in.
- Go to the Wi-Fi settings on your computer, laptop, or smartphone.
- Join the Wi-Fi Repeater network that is available to the public.
- In your browser, type or
- A user name and password are require on the green login screen.
- Both the user name and password are admin.

Online Access to
The Wi-Fi repeater has already been set up, and we’re attempting to re-login to the repeater page so that you can make any necessary modifications to the configuration.
Note: The IP address ( of the Wi-Fi repeater has changed since the setup, thus the default address will not allow you to access the admin page.
- The Wi-Fi repeater must be compatible with the current network.
- Go to the router page and look under client connections for the repeater IP address.
- In the browser, type the repeater’s IP address and the default user name and password.
- You may now control the Wi-Fi repeater’s settings.
- Default For repeater login, both user name and password are admin.
- The modem router or router label has information about router login.
- If you’re experiencing trouble logging into your router, please contact your Internet provider.
- If you have access to your router, you can either recover the login password or reconfigure it.
- Ensure that the firmware on your router is up-to-date.
Note: If you want to connect your Netgear Router to your Repeater click here.
Read more about:
- How to the Setup Victure WE300 Extender?
- How to Setup SignalTech WiFi Extender?
FAQs for not working?
You must first RESET your Repeater. To RESET the Wireless Repeater, press the RESET button (Usually at the bottom or side of the Repeater). While performing a RESET, make sure your extender or repeater is plugged in.
The Repeater is too far away from the router or isn’t receiving signals from the main router, as shown by the red light.
You must connect your device to the repeater wifi, which is displayed in the WiFi List (Wireless Repeater).