If you want to make any modifications to your Netfun Wifi Extender post setup, you will need to log in to the Netfun Wifi Extender admin page first. There is a possibility that users will have trouble accessing the Netfun Wifi Extender login page at times. This occurs because they attempt to visit the log-in page by using the default URL, which is www.Netfun.com, or the default IP address of netfun is, both of which are incorrect. After successfully establishing a connection between the extender and the home network, the router will next provide the Netfun Wifi Extender with its own unique IP address. In order for you to access the Netfun Wifi Extender Login page, you will need to locate that IP address.
In the sections below, we outline how to reach the log-in page using a new extender and an older extender, respectively (which is already connected).
- Install your extender if necessary, and then use your PC’s WPS button to connect to its network.
- After that, you can log in to the NETFUN extender by opening the Safari, mozzarella, online browser, or any other search engine.
- You can sign in using the NETFUN app as well.
- Open a search engine or check that your computer is properly connects to the wifi network before attempting to log in.
- Now, you may quickly locate the netfun repeater login page by searching the IP address or http://www.Netfun.com through a web browser.
- After that, remain motionless for a short while as your PC’s screen starts to display your login credentials.
- You must enter all credentials (admin username or password) if they are displayed.
- Finally, press the enter key or click login.
How to find the IP address of an extender connected to a router?
- Start by visiting the Control Panel, typing your search word into the search box, and then clicking the Control Panel icon.
- Next, select View network status and tasks from the Network and Internet section.
- As soon as Connections appears next to the name of your Wi-Fi network, click there.
- You should select Details in the newly opened window.
- You may finally locate your public IP address under IPv4 Default Gateway.
- With this IP, you may access your router page and look under the linked devices for the IP of your Net fun Wifi Extender.
Before you use your extender, you should read all the important instructions that you need to know. So, carefully read the Netfun wifi extender manual.