How do I reset the wireless N repeater?

You can do a factory reset on the Wireless N repeater to restore the settings if you forget the password. All of the current settings will be deleted when you perform a factory reset, and this can’t be reversed.

Two approaches can be done to reset the extender.

1. Using web-based admin page

Make sure you are already wired or wirelessly linked to the repeater before continuing with this method, and that you have access to the Wireless N repeater’s admin information. Simply choose Restore Factory Defaults under Utilities after logging into Repeater’s Admin panel. Your Wireless N repeater will restart and return to factory settings when you confirm RESET.

It is easily reconfigurable, so you may make the desired changes.

2. Using the reset button.

You can RESET the Wireless N Repeater using the RESET button located on the extender itself. The RESET button can be found at the bottom of it depending on the model to model. Once you are able to find the RESET hole, you have to press and hold it for 10 seconds while it is plugged into the wall or it is plug into an electrical outlet.

Note: Make sure to unplug the Ethernet cable if any is connecting to the repeater.


What is the IP address of my Wireless N WiFi repeater?” or “” is the Wireless N Wifi Repeater’s default IP address. To visit the Repeater setup or admin page, simply copy and paste the IP address or URL into the browser. (Note: Once they are linked to the router, the default IP address is inoperable.)

What are the Wireless N Repeater’s default username and password?

The Wireless N Repeater’s default username and password are “admin” and “admin,” respectively (all lowercase). Simply RESET the Repeater and attempt the default username and password if you altered the defaults and now can’t remember them.

How can I sign in to the WiFi repeater using Wireless N?

Access to the Wireless N WiFi Repeater requires either a wired or wireless connection to the Wireless N repeater. Open a web browser on your computer or phone after you are connected. Enter “” (the default IP address). By entering your login information on the resulting login page, you can then make modifications in the Wireless N repeater’s admin panel.

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